Custom Formulation

Do you need something designed “from the ground up”? We offer fully custom options, where we assign you to a team of qualified beauty chemists that formulate a product specifically tailored to your needs, using high-end products and natural enhancements. As a leader in personal care products, we provide you with solutions to develop your very own brand.

Some businesses require state-of-the-art manufacturing services but do not possess the capital or real estate to start up a production facility.  The result is a limitation: you can’t grow your business without custom products and you can’t create custom products without growing your business.

The solution?  Outsource your manufacturing needs to us, an accredited, professional-grade production facility headed by a trained and certified chemical blending specialist.

This option is a savior for brands that require more than just the “norm” from their beauty products.  They demand a product that fits their needs and specifications to the letter and expect nothing but the best when purchasing those custom blends.

With Innovative Body Science, you get all those features in one customer-focused and friendly facility.

Private labeling allows our customers to elegantly promote their unique facility and brand.

The marketing benefits of having your clients display bottles and jars of your products in their bathrooms, bedrooms, cars, gift baskets, etc, are unmatched by any advertising.

For more information, email us at
